Tuesday, August 29, 2006

A Night Out!

I went to my friend Stacy's house tonight for her jewelry party. I totally love silver jewelry! I arrived exactly on time..(I know, I was impressed too)....she lives by the airport and it takes me 45 minutes at least to get there. So, as soon as I arrive I'm greeted by Heather, the jewelry lady. Stacy's son, Mason, had fallen and bumped his mouth/face and had quite a gash so they took him to the ER. OUCH.Fortunately all is well and he didn't require any stitches. Well, the party went on....but obviously not quite as much fun without Stacy. Their daughter Madeleine was a perfect angel ..she is almost 6....even let me brush her hair after Heather gave her a bath when the party ended. Oh I was in heaven. I wanted to blow dry and style it but that was asking too much!! I did find a really cool necklace that I am so excited to get! The way home seemed to take forever. Missouri really prides itself in putting out every orange barrel imagainable and doing road work at night. Tonight on 435 was of course, no exception. Tomorrow I'm going to look into buying whatever it takes to listen to my iPod in the car so I will always have some good tunes to listen to. Channel flipping in construction is to dangerous. Oh speaking of dangerous.......I make it through road construction only to get in the middle of at least 30 "kids" on motorcycles. These aren't Harley's but some other kind and they were weaving in and out of cars and the shoulders trying to keep up with each other........and I was in the middle lane for 90% of this. I swore if they crashed I was not stopping to help as they were being TOTALLY irresponsible. Of course I would stop but they were going to get one heck of a lecture........I'm sure just the mere thought of that was a deterrent! :-) Overall, I enjoyed my night out!