Friday, December 01, 2006


Tonight Matthew didn't want us to read him a bedtime story. Instead, Matthew read to us. He read "It's Not Easy Being Big". I was so totally impressed and had a tear in my eyes. I was reminded of how I was so excited to read a book by myself when I was his age. I also reflected on how my worries of Matthew are slowly subsiding. I'll never forget the meeting/evaluation when we were told he was showing signs of Autism. Honestly, that was the worst day of my life. I didn't eat for days after that. He was about 2 and a half and I felt that I had failed miserably as a mother and that maybe something was seriously wrong with my son. I figured it must have been the beer lemonade I drank at a party before I knew I was pregnant!!! So, we got Matthew into speech therapy.....where I met a dear friend, Shannon.....his in home speech therapist. When he turned 3 we started school at the Early Childhood Center. The combination of the two really turned things around. Now, almost 4 years later, Matthew is much better behaved........I can actually take him to a store and there is no meltdowns.....well, rarely and few and far between. He is reading, doing math and just LOVES school. He is such a joy and I'm so lucky to have such a fun and good son. Tonight he told me I was his favorite. I know it's wrong but I totally loved hearing it.


Amanda said...

Hey, I hear you. We were right there, going through the exact same things. Nothing breaks your heart like hearing something like that. I think you are an amazing mom, and Matthew is lucky to have you! :)