Monday, December 18, 2006

I am feeling SOOOO much better. My headache is gone and I'm back to my usual self. After work last night I went to a work party. It was basically just the girls I work with on the weekend and it was really fun. I totally forgot my camera so I don't have any pictures. My hair looks horrible as I totally need a hair cut. I don't know why I didn't make an appointment before Joe went back to work.....which by the way is tomorrow! Tonight was a major accomplishment: balancing to the penny the check book. I know this isn't a habit of everyone but I absolutely HAVE to totally balance. I don't like to write anymore checks until I hit perfection. Yes, I know....I'm weird! The picture is actually proof that I do, sometimes actually cook. Matthew loves to help. Tonight he set the table....we mostly use paper plates just for this reason!! I think we might do some chocolate chip cookies this week too.