Friday, March 09, 2007

Today I had my scare of a lifetime driving. It was the CLOSEST I've ever come to having a car accident and it's been about 5 hours since it happened and I'm still totally freaked out. I had to keep Matthew home today as he hadn't been 24 hours free of a fever. Well, trust me, by 3 this afternoon, we both needed some fresh air. What better time to take a trip to Pottery Barn to return/exchange some pillows. (trust me.....that's another blog entry!) So, we finally go and after grabbing a couple of drinks for the drive home, we head back through the dreaded Triangle during rush hour traffic. If you live here you know I must have really needed to get out of the house! We are nearly to our exit when a semi truck changes lanes and gets into mine. I couldn't see the need but oh well. A couple of minutes later I notice him pumping his brakes and of course I think to myself that he shouldn't have pulled in front of me anyway if he is already having to slow down. Well, that thought barely crosses my mind and I am having to slam on my brakes.....feelling the thumps of the anti-lock brakes on my purse flies to the floor. My tires screached, the truck is now in the left shoulder.....if he hadn't moved left I wouldn't have been able to avoid hitting him. Now I can see what happened. A white convertable and red sporty car had hit a motorcyclist. I was stopped and was just a truck lengths away from the guy who is under his bike. I was in the midst of dialing 911 when I saw him get up and appeared to be okay. I felt horrible that I didn't stop but the mom in me outweighs the nurse in me when Matthew is in the car as well. I can't put his life in danger by leaving him in the car unattended etc. I've now had hours to reflect on today's events. Perhaps the semi pulling in front of me saved mine and Matthew's life? I guess I can "what if" this forever but I'm very thankfully to be writting this blog tonight. Matthew doesn't seem to be too upset but he did ask a lot of questions and told me I need to be careful driving to work in the morning :-) Thankfully he was busy watching Spongebob on the whole drive!! With the warmer weather approaching I ask that you all keep an eye out for motorcyclists on the road.

As usual, I hate Fridays. It just means I've got to go to work tomorrow and I have no idea where the week has gone. Hope you all have a great weekend!


Renee said...

So glad you are ok. How scary....