Sunday, July 23, 2006


It has been a rough weekend for Matthew. This past week we switched soap in Matthew's bathroom. We went from an apple soap foam by Bath and Body to the antimicrobial with the beads in it. Well, Matthew LOVED the new soap and was washing his hands and face after every trip to the bathroom. Unfortunately, the new soap turned his face beet red like a sun burn. After removing all of this crappy soap from Matthew's bathroom I remembered reading a little blurp about this in a recent past Parents magazine. (of course now I can't find it). Seems another child had a similar incident. We are so going back to using ARBONNE'S cleansing gel. Why I ever changed from such a great product I don't know. I have been putting Arbonne's normal to dry moisturizer that I use on my face on Matthew's face it has totally improved in just ONE day. For someone like me, who is all about Arbonne products and have used them for 8+ years.....I can't believe I let this happen to my son. A hard lesson learned.


Renee said...

I'm intrigued about the Arbonne business, we'll have to chat more when you come visit!!! (can't wait!!!)