Sunday, July 06, 2008

The Chase!

My neighbor has been out of town on vacation and while they were gone, I was in charge of watering her outdoor flowers. No problem! I had to water mine (going to be the next blog!) so no big deal. So while watering...I would go inside to get the watering container...per her instructions, say hello to Griffey the dog, and being the nice neighbor, let the dog out to do his deed outside (since he was barking to go out) while I watered the baby tree in the back yard. No problem. It was "no problem" until Thursday night when we went over to play with Griffey and water. Apparently the young girl who was officially dog watching took Griffey on a walk the day before and he thought we were going to do the same. Ah...yeah...NOT. He was barking at the garage door when we were going to leave and as I opened the door a crack for Matthew to leave....Griffey escaped out the door. For an old dog, he was quick! Next thing Matthew and I knew...he was 3 houses down and out for his adventure and I was FREAKING out. He had no colar on for me to grab and drag his little dog butt home. And trust me...telling/yelling at him that it was time to go home for a treat was only getting me more sweaty and more frustrated. Finally a neighbor, that I barely knew and strangely enough, just met at the hospital came out and they helped me get Griffey back home. Ah...the beloved family dog was back home safe. I was drenched in sweat, starving and in total relief. I can only imagine how paniced Matthew and I must have looked. This is only one of the MANY reasons why I DON'T and will NOT ever have a dog! LOL