Friday, March 28, 2008

Posted by Lisa at 5:18 PM 3 comments
Thursday, March 20, 2008
A Three Hour Lunch
Posted by Lisa at 4:21 PM 1 comments
Monday, March 17, 2008
Out to Lunch
Posted by Lisa at 3:57 PM 0 comments
Thursday, March 06, 2008
Keith Urban ROCKS
It was certainly a concert I won't soon forget! I have to say, I'm not a huge Carrie Underwood fan (opening act) and I'm still not. She had about 3 or 4 costume changes and her last song, Before He Cheats was pretty much the highlights of her performance for me.
Finally intermission came...I am one of those weird people that actually enjoys watching them tear down one stage and assemble the next....the HUGE speakers and just how quickly this all took place always amazes me. After about 30 minutes, Keith finally took center stage and I was in HEAVEN.
One cool thing was he had a HUGE screen set up behind the stage and there was a camera on him for a majority of the concert. So, if you didn't have the best seats, you could watch him on the screen. For part of the show, they went into the middle area so the back of the audience could get a better look:
Then there was a time when he went into the audience, nearly directly across from us. There he sang one of my favorite songs (Look Good in My Shirt), signed his red guitar and gave it to a lady in the audience. OMG!!! How cool was that??
He really is such a fun performer to watch. After his last encoure, the band was throwing guitar pics out into the audience and the house lights were barely on, people were filling out and Keith was still out shaking hands. How cool was that? And where was my camera? Oh yeah...in my purse because I was too busy gauking. LOL.
Posted by Lisa at 1:39 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 04, 2008
Where Have I Been?? and PRAYER REQUEST
I've gotten this question in a few emails so I thought I'd catch everyone up on why I have been MIA for the last couple of weeks. First, my mom got a wild hair to move. It was pretty much out of the blue...much like when she first moved here originally. She just announced one day she was going to save money and move to the one bedroom duplex directly across from her current two bedroom duplex. Hmmmm....and just how was this all going to get accomplished? You guessed it...ME!! So, without asking if this was a good time in my life to help her, and without reguard for how she's treated me lately, I've been helping her pack like a freaking mad woman. I'm exhausted and trying to keep the fact that I'm irritated with her for being such a pack rat and hoarder to myself. I did throw a ton of stuff away but it isn't nearly putting a dent in her amount of clutter. So she moves tomorrow and tomorrow night I have the Keith Urban concert to look forward to attending :-)
I did go to the neurologist today. After last Monday's appointment confusion, it seems they all know me by name and were VERY appologetic. Uh Uh. Trust me, I got my 40 minutes!! I had some lab work done....have I mentioned my fear of needles and she wants me to increase my dose of Topamax at night. Oh great....I have my ACLS test at the end of the month and lets increase the drug that is already making me absent minded, difficulty concentrating and not to mention the numbness in my hands and feet. I think I'll start that dose Sunday night!
About the prayer request. I've blogged about her before. Her name is Shawndra Turner and I've been reading her blog for some time now. She is going to have surgery on Thursday for her cancer. Here is the link to her blog: http://www.shawndraturner.blogspot.com/ She really is a remarkable young woman/mom/wife/nurse. Thanks!!
Posted by Lisa at 1:20 PM 25 comments