Tuesday, June 19, 2007

A Trip to the Country

This afternoon I recieved a phone call from a co-worker asking if Matthew and I wanted to come out for a little play date with her grandson.....out in the sticks! Kingsville is about 30 miles from where I live and I knew it would be a fun trip when she told me to turn left onto the gravel road at the fork in the road and that it had no actual road sign. I gave myself 10-1 odds that I would get lost! I totally did NOT! Drove right to it. It's a house with lets say, lots of potential. Anyway, Denise is a tech at work and is going back to school at age 41 to become a nurse. She is currently in an english class and I've been proof reading her papers and kind of helping her out.......with the emphesis that I was not an English major!! We did really well on the first paper so she asked for my help again. And, since we all know from the last blog that I really can't say 'no'.....Matthew and I went on this adventure today. Caleb (Denise's 4 year old grandson) and Matthew had a blast watching the chickens eat, the ducks swim in a little tub and jump on the trampolene. Now, of course the whole time we are there I'm in freaked out mother mode......as I can see Matthew breaking an arm falling off the trampolene and did I mention they have PIT BULLS????? Well, we both survived the trampolene....sorry no pics of me on it! LOL

Monday, June 18, 2007

A Hard Lesson Learned

I try not to complain too much about my job. Honestly, for the most part, I usually enjoy it. Yesterday was not the case. It started off on a good note. I had gone to bed at a decent time and slept pretty well. So, I woke up in a decent mood. That mood changed when I walked into work......I saw a freaking mouse! It ran from one room to another and totally freaked me out! I'm not too surprised they are there. I'm sure they were at my previous place of employment too but I certainly didn't see them there! So, I clocked in, caught my breath and found out I was going to the tele unit. It certainly wasn't my turn to go but my friend was down there so I didn't raise a ruckous. Well, it must have been f*ck the float day as I ended up with the most critical patient on the entire floor that should have really been in the ICU. The other staff members and nursing supervisor were all impressed with my calmness in all the problems that arose on all of my patients yesterday. I had patients on numerous cardiology drips, hourly vitals and a guy with active bleeding. I was beyond stressed out. I just knew I was going to get a migraine! So, it was literally my worst day at work EVER but now, after a night of sleep, it could have been one of my best. In all reality, I should have refused to take care of the really critical one. An experienced tele nurse should have had him. It was good experience for me but was really out of my scope of practice and I will never again so stupidly put my licence on the line like that. I have worked too hard to potentially loose it just because I didn't want to say "no" and refuse to care for a patient. That attitude just isn't my nature. I guess it's a good lesson learned.

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

School and Updates

Last Thursday, I watched a friend and former co-workers two little girls. Seriously, they are totally well behaved. Perhaps it helped that they were mesmerized by Seasame Street for a good hour! I thought my friend would be gone for a doctors appt for an hour max but the office was of course running behind.........so the next thing I knew, it was noon and Matthew was due home from the last day of school. We had had 3 or 4 snow days last winter so it extended the school year. Summer school starts on Tuesday and is the whole month of June......7:45 to 2:45....yes, we will be getting up pretty early!! Anyway.....the pic is of Matthew and Lilly.....she is almost 5 and yes, Matthew just adored playing with her! Can ya tell??? The other little girl is Lily's sister LuLu.

Summer school started yesterday and he said it was "awesome". Do you think that has anything to do with the fact that PE is daily? It's at a different school than even last year's summer school but he's totally resiliant and seems to not be scared to try new things. He's such a fun and good kid. I have a bad habit of leaving my pjs on the door in the hall bath after I take a shower. He LOVES bringing it to me, tell me to clean up after myself and the ground me! I just don't know WHERE he gets this stuff!!