Tuesday, June 19, 2007

A Trip to the Country

This afternoon I recieved a phone call from a co-worker asking if Matthew and I wanted to come out for a little play date with her grandson.....out in the sticks! Kingsville is about 30 miles from where I live and I knew it would be a fun trip when she told me to turn left onto the gravel road at the fork in the road and that it had no actual road sign. I gave myself 10-1 odds that I would get lost! I totally did NOT! Drove right to it. It's a house with lets say, lots of potential. Anyway, Denise is a tech at work and is going back to school at age 41 to become a nurse. She is currently in an english class and I've been proof reading her papers and kind of helping her out.......with the emphesis that I was not an English major!! We did really well on the first paper so she asked for my help again. And, since we all know from the last blog that I really can't say 'no'.....Matthew and I went on this adventure today. Caleb (Denise's 4 year old grandson) and Matthew had a blast watching the chickens eat, the ducks swim in a little tub and jump on the trampolene. Now, of course the whole time we are there I'm in freaked out mother mode......as I can see Matthew breaking an arm falling off the trampolene and did I mention they have PIT BULLS????? Well, we both survived the trampolene....sorry no pics of me on it! LOL