My New Year's resolution was to blog more. Here it is, the 8th and not an entry. Oops. I also have mega cabin fever. We got hit with about 12 inches of snow around Christmas and then a few days later 4 more (give or take) and then now as I blog it is 0. ZERO. We were the ONLY school district on Tuesday to go back to school. Yes, that is a sore subject. My suv was in the shop so I couldn't take Matthew to school but got the call early that it was ready. So, some poor guy came and got me and I paid for the repairs and took him to school. Thankfully he got ONE day of school after Christmas break as the rest of the week was cancelled due to MORE snow and this horrid COLD weather. Shall I mention I am DONE with winter?
Friday, January 08, 2010
Happy New Year
My New Year's resolution was to blog more. Here it is, the 8th and not an entry. Oops. I also have mega cabin fever. We got hit with about 12 inches of snow around Christmas and then a few days later 4 more (give or take) and then now as I blog it is 0. ZERO. We were the ONLY school district on Tuesday to go back to school. Yes, that is a sore subject. My suv was in the shop so I couldn't take Matthew to school but got the call early that it was ready. So, some poor guy came and got me and I paid for the repairs and took him to school. Thankfully he got ONE day of school after Christmas break as the rest of the week was cancelled due to MORE snow and this horrid COLD weather. Shall I mention I am DONE with winter?
Posted by Lisa at 9:27 AM 13 comments
Monday, November 02, 2009
Wii Bowling Champion and Catch Up
Long time no blog! I’ve been rather consumed with another project....which will be another blog. At work I did win bragging rights as the Wii Bowling Champion. Yes...with the high score of 278! I worthy? It is in my household! We are quite the competitive group with this bowling! I challenged the CEO of the hospital weeks ago and have talked “trash” about it for even longer. It was for charity and there will be another tournament with the next fundraiser the hospital does for sure. I suspect he doesn’t like loosing.
My Dell computer crashed last week. I had had it for probably close to 4 years so I knew it was time but I was irresponsible and didn't back up anything but a few important emails and my pictures. So...hard lesson learned. I took it in the Best Buy and went to the Geek counter. While at the counter, it literally took its last breath and the mother board died. So, I headed to the computer area. I was greeted by the worse customer service. No one was interested in showing me their computers....I got a brief overview and then was told I would absolutely hate the Macs. Well...I am my father's daughter people....I left and THAT store wasn't getting my money! I went to the Apple store. The guy spent 35 minutes with me going over their MacBook and didn't once try and sell me a more expensive one that I didn't need. Yep...SOLD. Went back the next day and made my purchase. They even gave me a discount :) Seriously, it's all about the CUSTOMER SERVICE!!
Matthew was sick on Friday and missed his Halloween party at school and of course was totally crushed. Poor kid, I remember missing Halloween one year due to getting the chicken pox. Fortunately he was just sick for a couple of days with a max temp of 101.4. He was a little mad and said...I thought by getting the flu shot I wasn't going to get sick! Well.....who knows what he had. I got the H1N1 shot last night at work after much debating. I talked it over with my doctor and with as much exposure as we nurses have and will have, and with me NOT wanting to bring anything home, I got it. It hasn't hurt as much as the other shot but today I've had the chills but I'm feeling much better after napping most of the day.
Next blog....The big Union vote!
Posted by Lisa at 10:30 PM 0 comments
Friday, August 28, 2009
Are you a Leader or a Follower?
Are you a leader or a follower? Are you just content to complain and do nothing about your surroundings or are you just one of THOSE people that really if you gave them a million dollars, they would STILL complain that it wasn't enough. They are never happy with anything. I am seriously tired of all the negativity. If you don't like your job, don't let the door hit you on the way out. Stop bringing the rest down. If you don't like where you live?? Move. If your house is a mess.....clean it. Are you a leader or a follower? Can you make decisions for yourself.....yes. You don't need anyone else speaking for you. If you lie with snakes, eventually, you too will become one. My dad taught me YEARS ago that you are whom you associate with. It goes both professionally and persoanally. Are you a leader or a follower??
Just this week I was a witness and first responder to a car accident. I was sitting at a light to turn left onto a busy highway to head home to mow. It was such a nice day, I was in my own little world. Then I saw this car, in the middle of the intersection, trying to turn, totally out of place. He could have easily hit me. I was was first in line to turn. He turned into the street I was turning out of....a truck hit him and he hit a light pole head on. Crunch. I parked my truck. Turned it off, locked my purse and got out. First on the scene. Not my usual role for sure. I think to be honest....I prefer the bedside nurse role. An off duty paramedic had a bag of while waiting for the cops...we did vitals, got a history...and WAITED. What would you have done....drove off?? Are you a leader or a follower??
I can't say I'm any kind of leader all or any of the time. Who knows how I am really percieved out in the real world. lol. I know I have several, friend, daughter, nurse....I'm trying to raise a son who is respectful to others, to me and knows right from wrong and is a joy to be around. He's my legacy. Lead by example. That is a tough one. I haven't always...can't always....but I'm trying. Are you a leader or a follower??
Be the Best. Care the Most. Are you content with complacency? Just doing enough to get by? Be the Best...Care the Most....Lead or Follow, it's up to you.
Posted by Lisa at 7:18 PM 2 comments
Friday, July 24, 2009
The Cheesecake Factory and Goodbye...
Posted by Lisa at 5:14 PM 4 comments
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Swim Lessons
Posted by Lisa at 11:33 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Heart Walk 2009

Posted by Lisa at 9:35 PM 1 comments
Monday, June 01, 2009
Memorial Day
Posted by Lisa at 6:10 PM 1 comments