Wednesday two of the third grade classes went on a field trip to the Country Club Plaza. Normally when I've gone to the Plaza, it's for a meal or shopping. This time it was to take in the architecture of buildings, find fountains (which Kansas City is KNOWN for) and learn about some of the history of the Plaza itself. I enjoyed it...the kiddos kinda got bored after a while. Two of the boys we had to work at keep at keeping out of the street and the fountains. Who would have thought they would have thought it would be a thrill to STEAL money OUT of the fountains. Is this a boy thing or just that age? So, when it was all over I looked up at this one building, that I think is Halls and saw this animals on top of pillars....they looked like gargoils....and told the kids that they monitored the fountains and if anyone stole money out of the fountains, they would have bad luck forever. One little girl had a look of horror on her face and said..."what if we put it back?"....Then you should be fine...but if not...it's stealing now isn't it. Ah...toying with little minds. She put a handfull of coins back in the fountain! Sheesh! The weather was perfect, the bus ride was super bumpy and on the way back to school.....Matthew did NOT want to sit with me. No, instead, he wanted to sit with a girl. lol!! He's growing up way to fast!!!!